April Prayer Letter

Dear Friends and Family,

Thank you for your prayers and encouragement, God has blessed incredibly this past month. Please take a moment to see the work that has been going on.

After coming back from Ecuador,
I got to preach on Sunday night!
I was able to share a little from the trip, challenge our church to share the gospel wherever we are and remind them how blessed we are to have a church that preaches the Word of God.

We had 67 adults on Easter Sunday and we celebrated our Living Hope.
Our Spanish church is growing and I’m blessed that I get to serve and do ministry here. Please pray with me for our church and the spiritual growth of the people.

We have started to go out every Wednesday night to a neighborhood near our church. We get to work with around 15 kids who are lost and need to hear the gospel. Please pray that we can reach them and their families

Prayer requests:

The growth of our Spanish Church
Outreach on Wednesday nights